SHA proposes closing intersection…again

Following a number of accidents, SHA has again proposed simply eliminating the intersection and signal at Route 29 and Rivers Edge Road, limiting access to our community to right-in, right-out from/to southbound Route 29.

The announcement from SHA is here:

If you contact Ms. Harris (, please do so respectfully; this issue is very important to our community and maintaining a civil and cooperative relationship with SHA will be beneficial.

One thought on “SHA proposes closing intersection…again

  1. I recall a meeting a few years back where a government official had the nerve to say that we all should have been aware of this happening when we first moved here because it has always been in the plans for 29. I found that insulting. First, always is a long time. Second, my first recollection of Holiday Hills was access by way of Vista road with four way stop signs. I would suspect that a half a decade before the first Rouse house went up there was no plan for limited access, let alone even a dual lane highway. I would suggest eliminate the flashing. If the light needs to be eliminated, we need a dedicated lane to Hopkins. As it is the length of the ramp is inadequate to safely merge onto 60+mph traffic. See page 12. Recommendation is for a ramp at least 1510 feet, not the current 500 feet b

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