SHA Makes Recommendation

SHA has announced that they will be presenting and recommending a modified version of Design Concept #5 for the intersection at Rivers Edge Road and Route 29.   This design concept involves construction of an overpass at Rivers Edge Road to connect our community with Old Columbia Road on the East side of Route 29.  A new on/off ramp from Old Columbia Road will provide access to/from Route 29 northbound.

You can see a detailed drawing of the design here:  Recommended Alternative (Alternative 5) November 12, 2015

The SHA notice follows:

Just like to let you know that the Administration has recommended alternative 5 for the intersection of Rivers Edge Road.  During the informational meeting on November 12th , 2015, we will discuss the pros and cons for all the alternatives; however, Alternative 5 will be the recommended alternative for the community to provide feedback and input.  This alternative is posted on the SHA project website for review.

MarieFrance Guiteau
Highway Design Division, SHA
Phone: 410-545-8885
Hours:  M-Thurs 8:00 AM- 6:30 PM

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